Building a Hawaiian Blue Roof House, What You Need to Know

Well, howdy there! Let’s talk about them Hawaiian blue roofs, ya hear? Folks always dreamin’ ’bout movin’ to Hawaii, buildin’ their dream house. But it ain’t just hammer and nails, no sirree!

First thing’s first, you gotta figure out them permits. Permits, permits, permits! That’s what them city folks always hollerin’ about. Can’t just slap a roof on without the say-so, see? You gotta go down to that buildin’ office, fill out papers, maybe talk to some fella in a tie. Makes my head spin, it does.

Building a Hawaiian Blue Roof House, What You Need to Know

Now, about that blue roof… why blue, you ask? Well, maybe it reminds folks of the ocean, all pretty and peaceful like. Or maybe it’s just plain purdy! But ain’t no matter what color you choose, it gotta be strong, gotta keep the rain out. And lemme tell ya, Hawaiian rain can come down hard! Like a cow peein’ on a flat rock, it does.

  • Strong roof is important.
  • Gotta keep the rain out, ya know.
  • Permits are a pain, but ya need ’em.

Some folks, they like them fancy roofs, with all them whatchamacallits… overhangs, they call ’em. Big ol’ overhangs keep the sun off your porch, keep your house cool. And them louvered windows? Fancy way of sayin’ windows that let the air in, but keep the rain out. Sounds good to me, long as it don’t cost a fortune.

But you know what I think? Keep it simple! A good, strong roof, that’s what matters. Don’t need no fancy stuff that’s gonna break and cost ya more money. Money don’t grow on trees, ya know, even in Hawaii! You gotta work hard for every penny.

And speaking of workin’ hard, buildin’ a house in Hawaii ain’t for the faint of heart. Everything’s expensive, everything takes time. But if you got the grit and the gumption, you can do it. Just gotta be smart, gotta plan ahead, and gotta make sure you got them permits!

Now, I ain’t no expert, mind you. I’m just an old woman who’s seen a thing or two. But I know this much: a roof over your head is a blessin’. And a blue roof in Hawaii? Well, that’s just about as good as it gets.

So, if you’re thinkin’ ’bout buildin’ your dream home in Hawaii, with a purdy blue roof or any color you fancy, remember what I told ya. Get them permits, build it strong, and don’t go breakin’ the bank. And most importantly, enjoy that Hawaiian sunshine! It’s good for the soul, it is.

Building a Hawaiian Blue Roof House, What You Need to Know

And one more thing, them wide lanais, they’re like big porches. Good for sittin’ and watchin’ the world go by. You can drink your coffee out there in the mornin’, or maybe a cold beer in the evenin’. Sounds mighty fine to me.

So, there you have it. My two cents on Hawaiian blue roofs and buildin’ houses in Hawaii. It ain’t easy, but it sure is worth it. Just remember to be patient, be persistent, and don’t forget them permits! And if you see a fella in a tie, just smile and nod. He’s the one who holds the keys to your dream home.

Building a house is a big deal, gotta think it through. Don’t rush into nothin’. Measure twice, cut once, that’s what my old pappy used to say. And he was a smart man, he was. Even if he never built nothin’ fancier than a chicken coop.

Tags: [Hawaiian Homes, Blue Roofs, Building Permits, Hawaii Construction, Home Building, Dream Home, Hawaii Life, Permits, Roofs]